Tulip designed by Karen Painter

Saturday, August 7, 2010

One morning in Maine

I woke up before the sun today, both bedroom windows were open and the chilly night air filled the room. I huddled further under the blankets and quilt to get warm. You guessed it, I am not in Virginia, did the chilly air give it away? I am in Maine staying with an old friend (we've known each other a long time but neither of us is old, of course!) who recently bought a home on the water. We brought our kayaks with us, and they sit by the water waiting for us to go for another paddle around the cove. I got up early, 6ish, and walked to the water through the wet grass, ferns sparkling with dewdrops in the morning light. It's a long walk to the water and i hadn't had my meds but I managed to get there and inch my way down the slope to the rocky beach. Fortunately there is a rope tied to a tree that I hang onto and helps with the descent. The tide was still low but not the lowest I've seen it, presumably it was on its way in. The larger rocks were still dry enough to sit upon, I found one in the sun where I could watch the mist rising off of the water. I wished I had worn my long sleeved sweatshirt instead of a sleeveless fleece vest, my hands were freezing. I walked around on the rocks for a bit, did a little Tai Chi and yoga to warm myself up, watched the sea birds getting ready for the day, and searched for shells and rocks to collect. I found a small horseshoe crab shell and a few colorful mussel shells. I saw some seaweed hanging from a tree branch and wondered how it had gotten there. I also wondered if I would be able to walk back up to the house and, if not, whether anyone would notice I was missing and come looking for me anytime soon. No worries, awkward though my strides were, I made it back just fine. The mornings in Maine are delightful.


  1. Debbie,
    Your writing is beautiful...I felt like I was on the beach with you. I don't remember now if I told you that Bruce was diagnosed a few years ago with Parkinson's...we just started telling people recently. Now you know why I've been asking you questions about your meds. Anyway, so far he is doing well but has a noticeable tremor on his right hand and arm.
    I hope you are doing well and that your progression is very slow. Love ya, Doreen

  2. Dear Doreen,

    NO, I did not know about Bruce. I am sorry to hear. Please let him know I would love to correspond with him if he wants to talk about Parkinson's or has any questions, anything!

    I was just coming to this blog to write about a federal court ruling that reversed Obama's executive order allowing federally funded stem cell research. I just don't understand it, these are cells that will be destroyed anyway, and they could be put to good use, maybe save many more lives by research than they would sitting in the garbage can.
