Tulip designed by Karen Painter

Sunday, December 27, 2009

PD and me

So this is how my PD behaves.

Like an ambivalent friend or lover, it is unpredictable, unreliable and manipulative. Some days I cannot finish cooking dinner, standing at the sink or stove for more than a few minutes brings on excruciating back pain. And, sometimes, for an entire day or for only an hour, I feel as though I've run a marathon and "hit the wall". When that happens I am sometimes so exhausted that I feel as though the effort of pressing the gas pedal in the car during the drive home from work is an impossibility. One day I had to call my son to pick me up, I had gone for a walk and couldn't make it the last block to my front door. I sat down in the road to wait for him and cried. I had only walked to the post office, 3 blocks away.

And then there are days like today. The sun is shining on the remains of a record breaking snowfall and it is relatively warm at 45 degrees or so as I head out the front door for a walk. I remember to pocket my cell phone and let my son (different son) know that I might need him to come after me with the car. He laughs as though I've made a joke, but what he doesn't realize is that I wouldn't go for a walk without a backup plan. Today I don't need him, in fact my step is light and my arm swings freely (when I remind it to) and I even jog for short stretches of the route. I listen to Prairie Home Companion on my mp3 player and then a mix of my favorite tunes and by the time I round the last corner I'm practically dancing in the street to Aretha Franklin. Go figure! But, that's how my PD behaves and I don't like it but I've come to expect it. It helps, I've discovered the hard way, to take my medications absolutely on time or a bit early if I feel I'm in danger of forgetting altogether if I wait. I resisted hard and long taking L dopa until I felt that I couldn't wait any longer, walking into the office from the parking lot was difficult and I was getting a lot of questions about why I was limping, etc. I was in pain all the time. I am taking Stalevo now, with a little bit of Mirapex too, and I do feel much better. IF I take the doses on time, if I don't I will suffer.

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